Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How to address and avoid PC start up errors Free Essays

Startup errors in personal computers are one of the typical and annoying problems in owning a computer. One main cause of this error according to is a bad file path. We will write a custom essay sample on How to address and avoid PC start up errors or any similar topic only for you Order Now This means that the location of the â€Å"Default File† which is specified and indicated in the dialog of preferences could not be found. In one of the most used operating systems of today which is the Windows OS created and manufactured by Microsoft, the primary cause of this start up error is the lack in the available space in the memory. In one the earliest version of Windows OS, which is 3.09 and as well as the earlier versions experiences this problem due to the large amount of RAM (Random Access Memory) installed in the computers (512 MB or more), up until now some of the modern versions of Windows experience this problem. The solution for this is to get an update to the present version (Jelsoft Enterprises 2000). Another possible cause of start up problems is the lockage of the license file of the operating system installed. Usually an error message regarding this is displayed if KaleidaGraph have been installed with the use of a person incorrectly using the privileges of the PC administrator to personalize the program.   Ã‚  A solution to avoid this error is to simply log in as the administrator and immediately personalize the program (Zhao 2003). In addition, there is a big possibility that start up errors are caused by failing to update the registration of the system. In case this happens all you need to remember is also to get an update of the latest version. Another way to work out on this is to, first choose Start then run and enter â€Å"reged32.exe†, after this map read â€Å"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ KGraph_Plot† then choose SecurityPermissions, select the user in the dialog and click Advanced, while the user ids selected click View/Edit then turn on the Set Value, Create Subkey and Delete check boxes and lastly Click OK to all of the dialogs. After doing these steps, repeat the procces for the key – â€Å"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{8FF76521-3586-11D1-AA05-00609793741E}† (synergy. Com 2003).    References: (2000) Windows NT startup error. Oakley, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. (2003) Start up Errors. ZHAO, J. (2003) Debug startup errors.       How to cite How to address and avoid PC start up errors, Essay examples

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